Tips for a Greener Lawn in Phoenix

Even though Arizona gets brutal heat during the summer. That doesn’t mean you can’t have a beautiful, greener lawn in Phoenix. Check out these key tips to maintain green grass thriving all year long.

Greener Lawn in Phoenix

Maintaining a Greener Lawn in Phoenix

Keeping a lush lawn in Phoenix takes a bit more effort. Still, you’ll want to be smart about how you take care of your grass; consequently, this will help keep it looking vibrant and healthy.

Soil pH

To get that lush green lawn you want, it’s super important to check your soil pH. For grass in Phoenix, the sweet spot is between 6.0 and 7.5.

You can test your soil pH pretty easily with a kit from a garden store or by bringing in a lawn pro. Tweaking the pH levels will help your desert grass soak up nutrients and thrive.

Removing Thatch

Thatch can really get in the way of your lawn soaking up water and nutrients, which can make it look pretty dull. Plus, too much thatch can attract pests and diseases, which is a bummer.

To maintain green grass, it’s important to clear out that buildup regularly with a dethatching rake or machine.

Doing this will help improve airflow and water flow, giving you a much healthier and greener lawn.


Aerating your lawn helps get air and water into the compacted soil, which boosts how well water soaks in and makes nutrients more accessible for the roots.

This process is awesome for encouraging root growth and making your grass tougher against dry spells.

For example, to have a greener lawn in Phoenix, aim to aerate it at least once a year. 

maintain green grass
Green wheat seedlings in hands of a farmer Male farmer looking at the produce before harvesting

Watering Schedule – Helping You Maintain Green Grass

To help your grass grow deep roots and survive dry spells, it’s important to stick to a regular watering routine. Try to water your lawn in the early morning to minimize evaporation.

In addition, you may want to also think about getting a smart irrigation system that adjusts your watering based on the weather in your area.

The goal is to keep your lawn consistently moist without going overboard. Too much water can cause roots to stay shallow and make your grass more vulnerable to disease and weeds.

Choosing the Best Grass for Phoenix’s Climate

Buffalo grass and Bermuda grass are both great options because they handle drought and heat really well. Bermuda grass is especially tough, able to withstand a lot of foot traffic and thriving in those hot, dry areas. If you want your lawn to stay green during the winter, consider overseeding it with ryegrass.

Remove Weeds

Did you know that using a pre-emergent herbicide in the spring can stop weed seeds from sprouting?

Weeds can steal water and nutrients from your grass, which can result in a patchy and unhealthy lawn.

Make sure to read the label instructions closely when applying herbicides to keep things safe and effective.

Some of the top pre-emergent herbicides that experts suggest are prodiamine, dithiopyr, and isoxaben.


Make sure to check your soil pH, get rid of thatch, aerate often, water thoroughly but not too often, pick the right grass type, and stay on top of those weeds.

With the right care, you can have a lush lawn that adds charm to your outdoor area all year long.

If you need assistance with commercial landscaping in Phoenix, contact us today!

Posted in: Tips